The Staff Selection Commission, had planned to conduct the written exam, has some for the selection of various eligible candidates for the posts of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs & Asst. Sub-Inspectors in CISF. The examination was held on the 20th March 2016 but it was informed that one of the papers got leaked. So to keep the selection fair and clear, the written examination is planned to re-conduct on the 5th June 2016. Candidates who had applied now must keep patient and prepare well for the re-examination. All necessary details about this examination such as admit cards and more will be uploaded soon on this page for the candidates.
SSC CPO 2016 re exam:
Name of the department: Staff Selection Commission
Designation: Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs & Asst. Sub-Inspectors in CISF
Re-exam date: 5th June 2016
Selection process:
Candidate’s selection will be done on the basis of the written exam, physical test and medical exam.
Candidates who will qualify all three test will get selected and send for the training.
Note: for more details about this recruitment candidates co go for the official notification at the official website of this department.