SSC CGL 2017 Syllabus & Exam Pattern : SSC CGL 2017 Examination Official Notification will be released in March 2017. SSC is conducting Combined Graduate Level Examination every year. SSC CGL 2017 Application process will be started from the month of March 11 till 15th April 2017. The SSC CGL examination will be conducted in three phases i.e. TIER I, Tier II, Tier III, Interviews and Skill Test. The examination will be conducted at various exam centers all over the country.
SSC CGL Exam Syllabus and Pattern 2017
- Name of Organization: SSC
- Name of Exam: Combined Graduate level examination
- Availability of Application Form: February 2017
- Mode of Apply: Online and Offline mode
- Mode of Examination: Computer Based Examination (CBT)
SSC CGL 2017 Preparation Tips:
Staff Selection Commission Common Graduate Level is a popular examination that every graduate wants to qualify so that they could get good opportunities.
There is a very tough competition between the candidates as the examination is very tough. So candidates are needed to be calm and study the prescribed syllabus. There are many graduates who are applying for this examination every year but there are only a few who are able to qualify in the examination.
SSC CGL Tier I Exam Pattern:
- The examination will be conducted through online mode and will be of MCQ type.
- The question paper will be divided into four sections comprising of General Intelligence & Reasoning, General awareness, Quantitative aptitude and English Comprehension.
- The question paper will comprise of 100 questions of 200 marks.
- There will be 75 minutes allotted for completing the examination.
- There will be a negative marking of 0.50 for each incorrect answer.
SSC CGL Tier II Exam Pattern:
- The examination will be conducted through online mode and will be of MCQ type.
- The question paper will be divided into four sections: Quantitative Aptitude (Paper I), English Comprehension and Language (Paper II), Statistics (Paper III) & General Studies Finance and Economics (Paper IV).
- Paper I & II are compulsory for all the posts.
- The question paper will comprise of 100 questions of 200 marks.
- The examination is of 2 hours.
- There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.
SSC CGL Tier III Exam Pattern:
- The examination will be descriptive type and will be only conducted through the offline mode.
- The aspirants have to write essay/letter/application etc.
- The examination will be of 60 minutes comprise of 100 marks. For VH & cerebral Palsy aspirants the duration of the examination will be of 80 minutes.
SSC CGL Selection Procedure:
The SSC CGL 2017 selection procedure will be containing the four stages. All the candidates are needed to be successful in all the stages and will be selected on the basis of performance in all the Tiers of Examination. The CGL Examination which will be conducted in four Tiers is here mentioned below:
- Tier I: Written Examination: MCQ:- Computer Based Test
- Tier II: Written Examination: MCQ:- Computer Based Test
- Tier III: Descriptive Type Test (Pen & Paper)
- Tier IV: Data Entry/Skill Test/Computer Proficiency/Document Verification
SSC CGL Tier 1 Syllabus
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam for the year 2016 very soon. Eligible candidates will apply for it and for the candidates we have given here complete CGL 2016 syllabus and exam pattern on this page. Candidates can note it and prepare according to it. The staff selection commission conducts is department which was founded to conduct various recruitment exams for the selection of skilled candidates at various departmental posts. The CGL exam held for the various vacant posts. Candidates who have graduation degree can apply for this exam
SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern:
Part | Subject | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Time allowed |
A | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 2 hours (120 mins) |
B | General Knowledge & Awareness | 50 | 50 | |
C | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
D | English | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Scheme & Syllabus
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
- General Knowledge & Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English
- General Intelligence and Reasoning:
Series (number, figurative), similarities and differences, analogy, space visualization. Spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgement. Decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation. Direction sense test, Blood relations, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification. Arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding. Statement conclusion, syllogism in reasoning etc. The topics are Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy. Figural Analogy, Ranking test, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification. Figural Classification, Input-Output questions, Problem Solving, Word Building, Seating arrangement, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations. Questions on Dies, Clock, Calender. Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams. Drawing inferences, folding & un-folding of Punched hole/pattern.
- English Language:
Questions on Fill in the Blanks, Idioms & Phrases, Jumbled sentences (ordering), One word substitution. Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words, Common errors, sentence improvement, Passage, Cloze test are asked.
- Quantitative Aptitude (Q.A.):
Percentages. Ratio & Proportion. Square and cube roots. Surds and indices. Lcm and hcf, Averages, Age problems. Simple interest and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership. Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Boat and Streams, Pipes and Cisterns. Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Heights and Distances.
Divisions and Remainders, decimals ,fractions and relationships between numbers. Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangles (centres, congruence, similarity), In circles and circum-circle. Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons. Circle, Right Prism, RightCircular Cone. Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelopiped.
Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio. Degree and Radian Measures, Circle and its chords. tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle. common tangents to two or more circles, Standard Identities.
- General Awareness (G.A.):
current events, India and its neighbouring countries. Also questions from History. Geography, Economic Scene,Culture, General Policy & Scientific Research are asked. Scientific research includes physics, chemistry and Biology. Current affairs of Last 6 months are asked.
Note: for more details you can visit the official website of the department.
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